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open Ast let digit = [%sedlex.regexp? '0' .. '9'] let digit2 = [%sedlex.regexp? digit, digit] let eol = [%sedlex.regexp? '\n'] let any_except_eol = [%sedlex.regexp? Star (Sub (any, '\n'))] let lxm = Sedlexing.Utf8.lexeme let extract_time s = Scanf.sscanf s "[%d:%d:%d]" (fun x y z -> (x, y, z)) let extract_sub useless start s = let len = String.length s - useless in if len < 1 then "" else String.sub s start len let extract_user = extract_sub 4 2 let extract_notice = extract_sub 6 5 let extract_action = extract_sub 4 3 let extract_msg = extract_sub 1 0 let rec file buf = match%sedlex buf with | '[', digit2, ':', digit2, ':', digit2, ']' -> let time = extract_time (lxm buf) in let content = line_content buf in Some (time, content) | eof -> None | _ -> failwith "unexpected character (file)" and line_content buf = match%sedlex buf with | " <", any_except_eol, "> " -> let user = extract_user (lxm buf) in let msg = msg buf in Msg (user, msg) | " *** ", any_except_eol, eol -> Notice (extract_notice (lxm buf)) | " * ", any_except_eol, eol -> Action (extract_action (lxm buf)) | " -", any_except_eol, "- ", any_except_eol, eol -> Notice "TODO" | _ -> failwith "unexpected character (line_content)" and msg buf = match%sedlex buf with | any_except_eol, eol -> extract_msg (lxm buf) | _ -> failwith "unexpected character (msg)"